Updated December 28, 2023

Statements of Faith


We have faith in a single God who exists as three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the second member of the Trinity (the Son of God) who became human to show God to humanity and to be the Savior of a lost world.


We trust that the entire Bible is God-inspired and that men were directed by His Spirit to write down Scripture exactly as He wanted it. Therefore, we conclude that the Bible does not contain any mistakes.


We believe that all people were originally created with the ability to have a close relationship with God, but we became disconnected from Him when we disobeyed Him. Because of this disobedience, people are now unable on their own to fix their relationship with God. We rely on his mercy instead.


We believe that Jesus Christ's blood, shed on the cross, is the only way for us to be forgiven by God. Therefore, anyone who believes in and trusts Jesus Christ's death and resurrection as payment for their sin can receive salvation from God.

Christian Life

We believe every Christian should focus on living for Christ instead of themselves. By obedience to the Word of God and regularly yielding to the Spirit of God, every believer will mature and start becoming more like Christ.

The Church

The church is the tangible representation of Jesus Christ on Earth, made up of those of us who have put our trust in His completed work. Our objective as church members is to praise God through loving Him and sharing His message with those still searching.